
Our workshops are designed to support you in the challenging work of self exploration, in partnership with some of the leading minds of the day. Join us in discovering the next frontiers of individual and societal transformation.

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Esalen offers scholarships.

The destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars.

— Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower

All beginnings have seeds — the starting point for new growth and new branches of our lives, the sources for new chapters. This is what annual cycles and seasons promise: As our intentions and ambitions sharpen, we get to discern what parts of our lives we will continue, what we will leave behind, and what we will start. Whether we are feeling stuck at a crossroads in life or at work, transitioning through relationships, or starting a new project, now is the time to seed self-renewal.

In this week-long workshop, we will turn to the teachings of nature for guidance and inspiration, attending to five key resources for regenerative growth:

  • Seasons, the distinct stages of renewal
  • Seeds, key possibilities for growth
  • Soil, nurturing people and places around us
  • Starlight, spirited visions that guide us
  • Sprouts, our shared gifts for the world

Through highly interactive journaling prompts, paired and small group discussions, guided movement meditations, and other practices for renewal, participants will discover tools to clarify hopes and dreams, release old beliefs and behaviors, and chart new strategies for curating the future. Join us as we internalize a powerful framework from nature to refresh our worlds and seed possibilities for life to come.

Seeding Self Renewal
Seeding Self Renewal
Didier Sylvain
Seeding Self Renewal
March 10-14, 2025
March 10-14, 2025
March 10, 2025
March 10-14, 2025

You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Join herbalist, medicine woman, and plant spirit teacher Marysia Miernowska for a nourishing, magickal weekend journey of intimacy with the Earth to receive physical and spiritual healing from medicinal herbal infusions and awaken the energies of spring’s renewal within us and all around.

In a safe and sacred container, you will be guided in:

  • Shamanic tea meditations.
  • Drinking herbs for the spring.
  • Entering restorative states of embodied meditation.
  • Connecting to the land and elements.
  • Making herbal medicine from the land and Esalen gardens to take home.
  • Making flower essences.
  • Plant identification of nourishing medicinal herbs, many likely growing around you.
  • Earth-based rituals and journal prompts.
  • Wildcrafting and gardening.

By communing with safe, healing, and nutritive wild medicine infusions, participants will flood their bodies with the restorative nourishment of the wild earth. While journaling and meeting plant spirits through shamanic tea meditations, we’ll create safety in the body and nervous system and receive insight, inspiration, energy, and replenishment for a personal awakening that mirrors the energy of spring.

By restoring the ancient knowledge of folk healing and plant medicine, we hope to heal the separation between ourselves and nature and awaken a collective passion to protect this Earth we all call home.

This workshop includes a $40 materials fee.

Awakening Spring Within: Somatic Herbalism, Plant Spirit Meditation, and Nature Connection
Awakening Spring Within: Somatic Herbalism, Plant Spirit Meditation, and Nature Connection
Marysia Miernowska
Awakening Spring Within: Somatic Herbalism, Plant Spirit Meditation, and Nature Connection
March 14-17, 2025
March 14-17, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 14-17, 2025

Selah is the call of grace to make art at the edge of the world. At the end of the world. — Bayo Akomolafe

We are often reminded that for social change to be transformative, it must be scaled up. It must be big, written in bold fonts across the night sky. Unambiguously clear. We are told that this is how differences come to bear; this is how the “new” shows up — with a messianic roar that rends the clouds asunder. With a splash that makes headline news.

The Selah retreats are a turning to grace. A concourse outside of the normal vicissitudes of citizenship. A tuning fork for grace. Grace is movement: finding safety in leaving safety.

The Selah retreats are an attempt to create art together – art without subjects or objects. The art we make isn’t a finished product, an imposed goal, a pre-designed fabrication, or a project for museum installations. The “art” is undefined, incomprehensible, composed of many griefs and many questions, a tracing of the slightest tremors of perception, a lingering at the material precipices of normal perception, a working with failure to craft gestures that might sensitize us to different differences.

The question at the heart of the Selah retreats is how do we become good hosts to “this monster” — to awkward grace? What could it look like to nourish the minor, to sing to it, to bring something incomprehensible into the world?

Surrounded by story, song, poetry, reading together, and crafting work, we will seek to build mbaris, an Igbo indigenous aesthetic of art, communal responsibility, and experimentation at the edges of crisis. These simultaneous streams of vocations that soften the neurotypical gaze will travel alongside the teachings and guidance of Bayo Akomolafe.

Selah: Untaming
Selah: Untaming
Bayo Akomolafe and Nora Bateson
Selah: Untaming
April 14–18, 2025
April 14–18, 2025
April 14, 2025
April 14–18, 2025

Esalen is the trailhead to one of the most spectacular mountainous coastlines in the world. With the Big Sur wilderness as the primary teacher, participants will explore the beauty of this wild coast — one of the most spectacular mountainous coastlines in the world —  which includes ancient canyons of redwoods, dramatic coastal beaches, rugged rocky mountains, and soft grassy slopes.

Drawing from nature and using various experiential awareness practices, individuals will be encouraged to open to the landscapes of both the natural world and their inner world. It is said that Big Sur is not just a place but a state of mind. This wilderness experience seeks to merge mind and place, then to embody what is learned.

Participants in this weeklong workshop will venture out into the emerging springtime magnificence of Big Sur on day-hikes between four to eight miles. Steven will draw from a wide range of contemporary and age-old wisdom traditions, borrowing from psychology, meditation, aikido, and the natural sciences to weave together a holistic experience of self and the natural world.

Each hike will begin right after breakfast and conclude in time to enjoy the hot springs and dinner at the Lodge. Evening sessions will include informal sharing and basic awareness practices with attention to incorporating what we’ve learned into our daily lives.

All levels of experience are welcome. Be prepared for the invigorating challenge of physical activity that the mountains of Big Sur require and the opportunity to simply sit still in quiet reflection. More information and a waiver will be sent upon registration. For an equipment list and frequently asked questions about Steven’s workshops, visit FAQs.

This workshop has $80 of additional faculty tuition and $40 for park entrance fees.

Big Sur Wilderness Experience: Springtime
Big Sur Wilderness Experience: Springtime
Steven Harper
Big Sur Wilderness Experience: Springtime
April 21–25, 2025
April 21–25, 2025
April 21, 2025
April 21–25, 2025

In the mountains east of Esalen, an enchanting, ecologically diverse, and psycho-spiritually fertile wilderness awaits. Over four nights and five days, we will engage in a contemporary form of pilgrimage, backpacking as reverent seekers through these ancestral lands of the Esselen Tribe, now known as the Big Sur backcountry. Our journey will conclude at the coastal grounds of Esalen Institute with a weekend of reflection and integration.

Since time immemorial, people have taken time away from the patterns and demands of daily life to walk with intention on sacred trails — pursuing embodied spiritual wisdom, expansion, and community. In our modern era of profound ecological degradation and severance from place-based ways of life, wilderness pilgrimage is a powerful practice for restoring relationship with the Earth and the depths of our shared humanity.

Each day of our wild pilgrimage, we will rise with the sun, carry only what we need, and walk with presence and curiosity to meaningfully encounter our inner and outer landscapes. As we hike and camp, we will learn foundational wilderness ethics and skills to feel at home in the wild. When night falls, we will share stories and meals by the fire and sleep beneath a blanket of stars.

Inspired by Esalen’s co-founder Dick Price, who found healing in the Big Sur wild and the Esalen community, our intimate and intergenerational cohort will embrace mutual support — engaging relational practices from Price’s Gestalt lineage to authentically connect with ourselves and one another.

Our pilgrimage community will include the more-than-human world: ancient redwoods, sandstone boulders, surging springs, playful jays, and all the countless beings of Big Sur. Through guided mythopoetic, ecological, and somatic inquiry, we will expand our literacy of wild nature, awaken our senses, and cultivate embodied awareness of our interconnection.

May the ardor and intentionality of our trek, across 30 miles of rugged terrain, wash away calcified layers from our essential selves to reveal bright resilience and aliveness. When we arrive at Esalen, we will turn our attention toward integration and service. In accord with the ancient spirit of pilgrimage, how will we carry what we’ve gathered on this journey into our lives, communities, and lands back home?

Important Notes:

  • The full experience takes place over seven days, from Monday, April 28th to Sunday, May 4th, 2025.
  • Experience with backpacking or Esalen/Gestalt is not required.
  • This is a partner program with Wildtender, an organization working at the intersection of wilderness and wisdom traditions. Prior to registering with Esalen, you will need to register and pay tuition fees through Wildtender for the wilderness portion of the program. For more details and to register, visit
Wild Pilgrimage: Backpacking Journey to Esalen
Wild Pilgrimage: Backpacking Journey to Esalen
Fletcher Tucker and Ariel Johnson
Wild Pilgrimage: Backpacking Journey to Esalen
May 2-4, 2025
May 2-4, 2025
May 2, 2025
May 2-4, 2025

Hapé, the sacred tobacco snuff, has been derived from one of the most respected plants among Indigenous peoples of the Americas for thousands of years, traditionally prepared using dried tobacco leaves and ash from special trees from the Amazon rainforest.

By applying hapé medicine to the nostrils, users activate their senses in unique ways. The potent blend stimulates both physical sensations and inner visions, enabling individuals to explore their spirituality on a deeper level. This sensory experience often leads to profound insights and revelations about one’s purpose in life.

The Global North is now experiencing an explosion of interest in psychedelics and plant medicine, leading therapists, doctors, artists, businesses, non-profit organizations, and researchers to embrace sacred plants as tools for improving health, awakening spirituality, and enhancing creativity. In this workshop, we will talk about the therapeutic, scientific, and cultural dimensions of hapé, covering the diversity of its uses and the most appropriate and beneficial ways to consume it.

Together, we will:

  • Identify key points for building good practices in diverse contexts to facilitate and integrate the use of hapé snuff.
  • Discuss the complex ethical and cultural challenges associated with the use of hapé.
  • Address ways to give back and cultivate reciprocity with Indigenous peoples.
  • Learn scientific aspects and traditional perspectives on this plant medicine.
  • Prepare the hapé medicine with our own hands, a complex and sacred process that is still largely unknown in the Global North.
  • Participate in a hapé ceremony.

Though hapé is legal in the US and is spreading rapidly around the world, it is important to recognize that this is a traditional medicine with different ways of preparation, different types of blowing, and different plants that can make up each recipe. We will explore how to responsibly manage a relatively complex set of procedures and activities. Cultural sensitivity, preparation of the container, silence, music, scent, dose size, and duration are all important aspects to consider for a safe and meaningful experience.

Recommended reading:

This workshop includes a $25 material fee.

The Ancestral Medicine of Hapé Snuff: Science, Tradition and Facilitation of Ceremonies
The Ancestral Medicine of Hapé Snuff: Science, Tradition and Facilitation of Ceremonies
Glauber Loures de Assis
The Ancestral Medicine of Hapé Snuff: Science, Tradition and Facilitation of Ceremonies
May 16-18, 2025
May 16-18, 2025
May 16, 2025
May 16-18, 2025

Do you love the beauty of the outdoors and delight in the wonder of nature? Do you want to learn how to meditate outdoors? Would you like practices to stay grounded, connected, and open-hearted in life? Then what better place to discover all this than in the majesty of the Big Sur coastline, where we are serenaded by the lulling sounds of the ocean, cradled by rolling hills, and uplifted by exquisite gardens?

Following ancient spiritual traditions that value the transformative power of nature, this experiential workshop will be spent entirely outdoors to explore embodied sensory practices in the natural beauty and mystery of Esalen. Whether during a sunset meditation as we listen to the soothing waves or while we sit graced by the stillness of cypress trees, we will open to the profound serenity and wisdom of nature.

You will learn about the practice of mindfulness — the capacity to be present to ourselves and our environment — and how it supports a rich, contemplative relationship with nature. You will discover how meditative time outdoors leads to beautiful states of joy, peace, wonder, and love. You will also experience greater connection with yourself, with others, and with the larger web of life.

Recommended reading: Awake in the Wild and A Field Guide to Nature Meditation by Mark Coleman

This workshop includes an additional $100 faculty tuition.

Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Doorway to Joy, Wisdom, and Wonder
Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Doorway to Joy, Wisdom, and Wonder
Mark Coleman and Lori Schwanbeck
Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Doorway to Joy, Wisdom, and Wonder
May 16-18, 2025
May 16-18, 2025
May 16, 2025
May 16-18, 2025

The natural world – in all its arresting beauty and enchanting complexity – calls out for our presence and reverence.There are subtle currents of communion and communication happening all around us; the land and wild beings beckon us into expanded states of sensitivity, reciprocity and fellowship.

Immersed in the wilds of Big Sur, and the beautiful grounds of Esalen, we will cultivate our fundamental connection with the land. Through practices of sensate engagement, earth-based ritual, and mindfulness, we will build relationships with this place and our other-than-human kin. We will traverse physical hiking trails alongside the trails of intuition, affinity, and imagination. Following our innate curiosity, we will grow our ecological knowledge and uncover the stories of the mountains, waters, animals, plants, and fungi that live around us.

Acknowledging Big Sur to be the ancestral homeland of the Esselen tribe, we will endeavor to behave as reverent guests on sacred land. Regarding the landscape as both our teacher and relation, we will weave offerings of gratitude and respect into every practice. May these humble efforts help unsettle the anthropocentric paradigm of objectification and extraction which degrades our earth and all life.

Come wander with us, dear wild ones! Ground yourself in the peace of the soil, and feel your animal body lively and awake on the trail. Expand your awareness of the living world, and sense into a renewed state of wholeness – as we begin to relate reciprocally with the land.

Wild Kinship: Hiking and Connection with the Big Sur Wilderness
Wild Kinship: Hiking and Connection with the Big Sur Wilderness
Fletcher Tucker
Wild Kinship: Hiking and Connection with the Big Sur Wilderness
June 2–6, 2025
June 2–6, 2025
June 2, 2025
June 2–6, 2025

Creating a profound connection to nature begins with observing and understanding the plants surrounding us, awakening to our symbiotic relationship with them. This workshop offers an opportunity to cultivate an intimate bond with a diverse selection of plants thriving in the Esalen landscape, learning their unique characteristics, stories, and the wisdom they impart. Together, we will embark on a journey to not only identify and appreciate these plants but to honor them through art by extracting their pigments and experiencing their colors in a new light.

Guided by the spirit of place, we will gather plants to create a color palette that reflects the soul of coastal California, immersing ourselves in the earthy, ocean-washed hues that define the land. This living palette will serve as both a tribute to and a recreation of Esalen’s essence, which we will channel into plein air painting — “in the open air” — around the Institute to be fully present in our surroundings and their subtle expressions. Each of the paintings will be alive with their botanical inks, changing and transforming to create a remembrance of the passage of time as they darken. As we gather plant materials for our inks, we will also gather a variety of plant material to make our unique handmade natural brushes.

Each participant will be provided with high-quality materials, including multiple sizes of Arches watercolor paper, a custom handmade porcelain palette, and ink bottles, completing their personal Esalen ink kit. This kit will become a cherished tool for you to bring the beauty and spirit of the natural world into your own art practice, enabling you to deepen your connection to both the Esalen environment and the plants that surround you in your own life. Join us on this transformative journey and embrace a holistic approach to creativity, nature, and mindful expression.

This workshop includes an additional $50 of material fees.

Connecting With Nature: Discovering the Gifts of Botanical Inks
Connecting With Nature: Discovering the Gifts of Botanical Inks
Janne Larsen
Connecting With Nature: Discovering the Gifts of Botanical Inks
June 20–22, 2025
June 20–22, 2025
June 20, 2025
June 20–22, 2025

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed. — Mary Oliver

From the beginning of time, the natural world has called humans to pause, reflect, and reconnect with life’s essence. This workshop invites you to immerse yourself in Big Sur’s awe-inspiring wilderness and the art of authentic contemplation. Together, we will deepen our awareness of the wilds within and around us, rediscovering the simple yet profound practice of being fully present and alive.

Big Sur’s stunning landscapes — rugged cliffs, ocean breezes, and ancient forests — will serve as both our setting and teacher. Through mindful awareness and direct experience, we can awaken our inherent connection to the elemental, allowing the magnificence of this wild world to touch our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Highlights of the Week:

  • Nature as Teacher: Direct experience of the elements — earth beneath your feet, Pacific waves crashing, fresh coastal air, and Esalen’s healing hot springs — awakening all our senses to an animate world.
  • Daily Wilderness Hikes: Venture 2–6 miles each day through diverse terrains to explore Big Sur’s natural beauty and rich ecological diversity.
  • Contemplative Practices: Engage in timeless and contemporary practices of mindfulness, movement, and stillness, cultivating presence, aliveness and deeper relationships with self and the wilds.
  • Community Connection: Share wholesome meals, heartfelt conversations, and moments of silence, fostering a sense of belonging with others and the eco-community of the wild natural world.
  • Integration and Simplicity: Discover how to bring what you are touched by into daily life, with space for reflection on how to do less, be more, and live in alignment with what matters most.

This week is an invitation to slow down, step out of habitual patterns, and show up fully for life as it unfolds moment by moment. Whether walking, sitting, or simply being, we will cultivate space, silence, and stillness to meet the beauty and mystery of the world — within and without.Come ready to explore the meeting places of mountain and sea, inner and outer landscapes, and the boundless wildness of existence.Please note: This workshop will be a larger, nature-based group experience than Steven and Gary typically lead. Mornings will be spent together as a whole group, either indoors or on the Esalen grounds. After lunch, we will divide into smaller groups to explore Big Sur’s wilderness trails and be back in time for dinner at Esalen.All levels of experience are welcome. Be prepared for the invigorating challenge of physical activity that the mountains of Big Sur require and the opportunity to simply sit still in quiet reflection. More information and a waiver will be sent upon registration. For an equipment list and frequently asked questions about Steven’s workshops, visit FAQs.

Recommended reading: The Practice of the Wild by Gary SnyderAn additional $40 will be added to the workshop cost to cover permit and park entrance fees

Nature and Contemplation: Cultivating Wild Mindfulness
Nature and Contemplation: Cultivating Wild Mindfulness
Steven Harper and Gary Marcoccia
Nature and Contemplation: Cultivating Wild Mindfulness
July 7–11, 2025
July 7–11, 2025
July 7, 2025
July 7–11, 2025

Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond.

― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Foraging is the antidote to our too-too-busy lives and convoluted, complex food systems. When we are out in nature, we learn to live by nature’s rules. Check the tides before heading out for clams, sea urchins, or seaweed. Notice rain patterns for optimal mushroom hunting. Learn the plants and trees that are delicious and can heal what ails you. Be very grateful to be an earthling.

What if we receive the generosity of planet Earth with reverence and pass it along? Could we then become a keystone species that improves habitat for ourselves and all other life that share this planet?  

In this immersive, experiential workshop, we’ll explore:

  • Practical tips and education for foraging wild foods found in the woods, coast, and urban/suburban edges.
  • Hands-on wildcrafting and techniques to preserve wild food.
  • Deeply visceral (and fun) experiences in nature, following nature as a guide for healthful and seasonal eating.
  • Journal prompts crafted to deepen our awareness of the natural world and open ourselves to transformation, creativity, and new culinary possibilities.

Big Sur is a spectacularly beautiful place, and gathering wild food is an intimate and fascinating way to discover it. Come spend a weekend tapping into your right brain, your animal body, your free spirit, your awe and wonder. Come fall in love with nature through wild foods.

Foraging: Fall in Love With Nature Through Wild Foods
Foraging: Fall in Love With Nature Through Wild Foods
Maria Finn
Foraging: Fall in Love With Nature Through Wild Foods
July 25–27, 2025
July 25–27, 2025
July 25, 2025
July 25–27, 2025